How it Works

Design of Adaptor

The Octopus was born with strong scalability in mind, this ability reflects in the design of the device model and the adaptor especially.

Since device model can be defined via CRD, the device model can either be a dedicated device such as a fan, LED, etc., or a general protocol device such as a Bluetooth, Modbus, OPC-UA device, and etc.

│ MideaAirPurifier │ #dedicated device model
│ MideaAirConditioning │ #dedicated device model
│ XiaoMiAirPurifier │ #dedicated device model
║ Bluetooth ║ #protocol device model
║ Modbus ║ #protocol device model
║ OPC-UA ║ #protocol device model

At the meantime, the implementation of adapter can be connected to a single device or multiple devices:

┌──────────│ MideaAirPurifier │──────────┐
│ └──────────────────────┘ │
│ │
│ │
. │ ┌──────────────────────┐ │ .
( )◀────────┤ │ MideaAirConditioning │──────────┴─────────▶( )
' │ └──────────────────────┘ '
│ ┌──────────────────────┐
└──────────│ XiaoMiAirPurifier │──────────┐
└──────────────────────┘ │
┌──────────────────────┐ │ .
│ XiaoMiWeighingScale │──────────┴──────────▶( )
└──────────────────────┘ '
. ╔══════════════════════╗
( )◀═══════════════════║ Bluetooth ║
' ╚══════════════════════╝
╔══════════════════════╗ .
║ Modbus ║═════════════════════▶( )
╚══════════════════════╝ '

Please view here for more detail about developing an adaptor.

Adaptor APIs

The access management of adaptors takes inspiration from Kubernetes Device Plugins management. The available version of access management APIs is v1alpha1.


Use the following steps to make the adaptor interact with limb:

  1. The limb starts a gRPC service with a Unix socket on host path to receive registration requests from adaptors:

    // Registration is the service advertised by the Limb,
    // any adaptor start its service until Limb approved this register request.
    service Registration {
    // Register is used to register the adaptor with limb.
    rpc Register (RegisterRequest) returns (Empty) {}
    // RegisterRequest is the request used during registration
    // and is used to uniquely identify an adaptor.
    message RegisterRequest {
    // Name of the adaptor in the form ``.
    string name = 1;
    // Version of the API the adaptor was built against.
    string version = 2;
    // Name of the unix socket the adaptor is listening on, it's in the form `*.sock`.
    string endpoint = 3;
  2. The adaptor starts a gRPC service with a Unix socket under host path /var/lib/octopus/adaptors, that implements the following interfaces:

    // Connection is the service advertised by the adaptor.
    service Connection {
    // Connect is for communication between the adaptor and limb.
    rpc Connect (stream ConnectRequest) returns (stream ConnectResponse) {}
    message ConnectRequestReferenceEntry {
    map<string, bytes> items = 1;
    // ConnectRequest is the request used during connection
    // and is used to send desired device data to an adaptor.
    message ConnectRequest {
    // Model for the device. model = 1;
    // Desired device, it's in form JSON bytes.
    bytes device = 2;
    // References for the device, i.e: Secret, ConfigMap and Downward API.
    map<string, ConnectRequestReferenceEntry> references = 3;
    // ConnectResponse is the response used during connection
    // and is used to return observed device data to the limb.
    message ConnectResponse {
    // Observed device, it's in form JSON bytes.
    bytes device = 1;
    // The unhandled error message indicates that the connection cannot be interrupted
    // and the user needs to choose to recreate or ignore it.
    string errorMessage = 2;
  3. The adaptor registers itself with the limb through the Unix socket at host path /var/lib/octopus/adaptors/limb.sock.

  4. After successfully registering itself, the adaptor runs in serving mode, during which it keeps connecting devices and reports back to the limb upon any device state changes.


The Registration can let the limb to know the existence of an adaptor/, on this phase, the limb acts as a server, and the adaptor acts as a client. The adaptor constructs a registration request with its name, version and accessing endpoint, and then request to limb. After successfully registered, the limb will keep watching the adaptor and notify those DeviceLinks related to the registered adaptor.

  • The name is the name of the adaptor, it's strongly recommended that to use this pattern to named an adaptor, each adaptor must have one unique name.

    The second adaptor who has the same name will overwrite the previous one.

  • The version is the API version of accessing management, for now, it's fixed in v1alpha1.
  • The accessing endpoint is the name of the UNIX socket, each adaptor must have one unique endpoint.

    The second adaptor who has the same registered endpoint will never register successfully until the previous one quits.


The Connection can let the limb to connect to an adaptor, on this phase, the adaptor acts as a server, and the limb acts as a client. The limb constructs a connection request with the model, device and references, and then request to the target adaptor.

  • The model is the device's model, it's useful to help adaptor to distinguish multiple models, or maintain the compatibility if there are different versions in one model.
  • The device is the device's instance, it's in form JSON bytes, which is JSON bytes of a complete model instance and contains spec and status data.

    The adaptor should select the corresponding deserialized receiving object according to the model to receive this field's data. Since the receiving object (device instance) is a legal CRD instance, it strictly conforms to the resource management convention of Kubernetes, so a device can be uniquely identified by Namespace and Name.

  • The references is the reference sources of the device, it allows the device to use the ConfigMap and Secret under the same Namespace, or downward API of the parent DeviceLink instance.

Available Adaptor List